What is Regenerate America?
Founded by Kiss the Ground, Regenerate America is a coalition of farmers, businesses, non-profits, and individuals working together to elevate the voices of farmers and ranchers demanding that the 2023 Farm Bill shift resources & support towards regenerative agriculture. It is about empowering farmers to rebuild soil. Learn more at regenerateamerica!
What is Kiss the Ground?
Kiss the Ground is an established 501 9c) (3)with the mission to awaken people to thepossibilities of regeneration. We are working tohelp build awareness and educate ourcommunities on how we can create better soil,and ultimately help reverse some of the impactsof climate change. Check out kisstheground to learn more!
What is Regeneration?
Regeneration is the process of capturing carbon in the soil and plants to renew & restore biological systems. Through regeneration, not only can climate change reverse, but we can create more nutritious food, increase biodiversity, and enhance total ecosystems.
What is the Farm Bill?
The US Farm Bill is passed every five years. It governs much of the US Food & Agriculture system including provisions for nutrition, crop insurance, conservation, rural investment and land access. The Farm Bill sets the priorities of the US agriculture system, often encouraging certain crops & production systems over others, including crop subsidization.
"People cannot be separated from nature, they are of her. Without shifting our resourcing and education structures to invest in people we will miss this opportunity to instill in our communities the innate understanding of how to be in right relationship. How to leave the world a more beautiful place, a more whole place."
-Abbie Corse (The Corse Farm Dairy)
Why is it Important?
Soil health-focused programs currently receive less than 1% share of overall funding in the Farm Bill. Conventional farming practices are prioritized, making it difficult for regenerative farmers keep up or be motivated. America’s farmland is losing topsoil 10 X faster than it is currently being replenished, which endangers our entire food system and costs those who raise our livestock & grow our food $44B annually. Regenerative agriculture works to rebuild the soil.
"... the most crucial message is that regenerative farming is economically viable - in fact, more profitable than its conventional counterpart."
-Talib Visram (Fast Company)
Why Soil?
95% of our food is grown from soil, soil is used to create freshwater sources, it helps balance our climate, and is ultimately the foundation of all life on land…do we need to say more? Healthy soil equals healthy, thriving life!
How Can You Make a Difference?
For starters, simply by purchasing Steaz you are already making a difference! With 1% of all of our revenue committed to 1% for the planet, the more Steaz you buy, the more dollars we will be giving to great organizations like Kiss the Ground. Here's some other ways you can get involved and make a direct impact!
Check out the Kiss the Ground Film to get educated on regeneration and it's impacts on our soil and earth
Compost your food waste, make some amazing, nutritious soul, build a garden & repeat!
Check out the purchasing guide on KTG's website to find out how you can contribute to building a regenerative food system with the food that you buy.
Donate at kisstheground.com to support education and grow more awareness.
Join the Regenerative America Campaign! Sign up here to make a stance and advocate Regenerative America
Become a part of the Regenerative America Online Community to stay in the loop and engage on policy chance around the Farm Bill
Write a letter to the editor on why your legislator should take action to prioritize regenerative agriculture in the Farm Bill. Check out templates here